Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cleopatra Sharpe Photography

I really enjoying taking this pictures, it was fun to walk around my city and meet new people...

Friday, April 15, 2011

El Gallo

El Gallo
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Canvas
El Gallo I love this painting it bring old memories from 
when I lived in Ecuador that's 
the reason I took the D.P.W. my mother had 1 gallo and 100 gallinas that means several eggs.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mio Flamenco

Mio Flamenco
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Canvas

The flamingo represents beauty and vanity   
It just stands there to be admired, just as simple as that.


Johan's Tee Cup

Johan old lady tee cup
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Canvas
The tee cup is one of my favorites. It came about one
Day that I was having a conversation with my friend Johan,
He lives in Portugal. I asked him what are you doing and he said I’m
Just here drinking my tee cup. I laughed and said like an old lady
The tee cup represents taking time out of your busy day to just enjoy yourself  

El Cigarrillo de Jose

El Cigarrillo d Jose
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Canvas

The cigarette butt represents our bad habits. It is so tempting
When you look at it. I called it that name because I laugh every time
When Jose runs out of cigarettes, he gets so frustrated. I made this painting so
I could send a picture of it to him and he can look at it and suffer

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

La Banana de Staffan

La Banana de Staffan
Acrylic on Canvas

La Banana de Staffan
Is the initial piece of my collection; it came with inspiration